I keep hearing that these are unprecedented times. That the COVID-19 crisis is bigger than our ability to handle it. That this virus is the microscopic line between the world that was and the world that will be.
But I don't believe that.
Yes, some things will have to change. That's just the nature of experience: We learn what needs to change and we adjust.
But crises have always been a part of life and business. Whether the crisis is small (our customer has to wait an extra day because our supplier's shipments are a few hours late) or massive (like a natural disaster), we take measures to protect ourselves, our families, and our friends.
And we communicate with our people — clearly, consistently, and confidently.
The COVID-19 virus is new, but the way we need to communicate during crises is not.
I'd like to help you with that. Through April 7, I am offering proofreading, copyediting, and editing of your COVID-19-related communications for half the cost. Do you have a sign you want to post? An email, white paper, or social media message you want to publish? I would like to help you make sure that message is as clear and accurate as possible. Contact me to discuss.
People are scared. And for obvious reasons. We don't have a treatment or a vaccine for the virus that causes COVID-19. And we don't know how soon the measures we are taking will have an effect. But I believe we can weather this crisis if we stay calm and keep the lines of communication open between us and our families, friends, and customers.
So be clear.
Inspire confidence.
And remember: The measures you take now, while necessary, are not forever.
Personally, though, REM's "It's the End of the Word (as We Know It)" has been ruined for me.